In the mid-20th century descriptions of the island are
characterised by the image of a primitive eating
culture in which the inhabitants only ate bread,
cheese, onions and vegetables. This misconception
was fuelled by the Sardinians’ refusal to adopt
modern innovations and their tenacious continuation
of old traditions.
Today, the products from this island are appreciated
throughout the world. Bread has always been the
basic food of the shepherds and farmers. There are
around one hundred kinds of bread in Sardinia. The
“Pane Carasau” is very popular; crunchy flat bread,
thin like paper, whose dough is rolled sheer and round
with a rolling pin, wrapped in linen and baked in the
pre-heated oven on a wide, glowing log of chestnut
Cheese is also considered a basic food; everything the
Sardinians eat is complemented with cheese. It is also
produced according to the old recipes. The preservation
of traditional processing methods, supported by a
modern cellar technology, is also true of wine production.
From top wines to table wine with a special
flavour, you will find everything on Sardinia.
So what characterises the Sardinian cuisine? The
demand for freshness and quality ingredients. Simple
recipes transform the humble charm of the Sardinian
basic foods into a sensual pleasure which even
Northern Europeans cannot resist.